Raphaël Kanapitsas

Travel Diary: India

Created: 7th of March

Updated: 19th of May


I never thought I would go to India. Not that it's too far, it simply didn't seem like a country made for me: I prefer nature and quiet. However, when a friend said he would have his wedding there, I knew I had to go. It's a once-in-a-lifetime kind of opportunity.

More than that, I thought India would be a nice starting point for a trip in Asia. I had already been to Thailand, but I wanted to see more and experience it on my own (more on that later).

My initial plan was to:

  1. Land in Goa and rest for a while.
  2. Take 10 days to visit Karnataka on my own.
  3. Go in the North for the wedding.

Let's say things didn't really go according to plan. The following is based on what I wrote while I was traveling. I'm still in the process of writing it, so stay tuned!

(time of travel: December 2023)

Chapters 📕

Part 1: Goa

Part 2: Heading North

Part 3: Interlude

Part 4: New Delhi

Part 5: Chandigarh

Part 6: Highs and Lows