Raphaƫl Kanapitsas

About this website

Created: 3rd of March, 2023

Updated: 8th of June

What it's for

Here, I share my thoughts and experiences about travel, life, and AI.

How it's made

I coded this website in pure HTML & CSS. It's simple, fast, lightweight, and enough. I don't have to worry about deploying big frameworks with thousands of lines of code I've never read. I understand everything I write, and learn how everything works at the same time.

For even more ease of use:

  1. I write the content in markdown, using Obsidian.
  2. A Python script converts it to HTML.
  3. It's added within one of my templates.
  4. rsync deploys it to the remote server.

Latest improvements (may 2024):

Inspired by Derek Sivers.