Raphaël Kanapitsas

About me

Created: 3rd of March, 2023

Updated: 13th of May

I studied mathematics, mostly. My master's was focused on Machine Learning (old-school, as well as deep learning), and programming (Python and C++). You can take a look at my Airbus internship report for reference.

I've been tinkering with computers since middle school. Installing a linux distro, learning the command-line, breaking things, learning Python... The curiosity never left me.

I love moving: hiking, walking, cycling, gliding, sailing, diving... If there's a way to move, I have to try it.

I love traveling. The best way: only a backpack, little planned ahead, and an open mind. My latest destinations: Austria, Thailand, India.

The best days are those you don't expect. When you'd never have imagined doing what you end up doing.

I'm realizing how much more fulfilling creating is compared to consuming. Work in progress. This website is part of this effort.

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